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We have moved. We are operating online - Appointments available. Email for info.
We have moved. We are operating online - Appointments available. Email for info.
AKS Trading through COVID-19

AKS Trading through COVID-19

On behalf of Australian Kayak Specialists, I would like to give you a quick update on where we are at with all that is going on. I am sure you have seen plenty of these emails from companies that you have purchased goods from in the last few days so I will keep it brief.

We will continue to trade in a more limited basis over the coming weeks – we are a small business and we will no doubt be affected by some of the restrictions being put in place by the QLD Government as well as the Federal Government, however we want to assure you that we are here – trading in the best capacity we can. We encourage you to keep shopping. We will keep you informed of any changes.

  • We will be implementing reduced shop visits by working on an appointment basis – if you have to come into the store to view or collect a kayak – we request that you make an appointment on a Monday or Friday; we will enforce this to eliminate the potential of unnecessary crowding in the store. We ask that you limit the time you spend in the store as well in order to reduce and potential risk. A phone call is the easiest way to ensure that we can accommodate you. 07 3339 7915
  • We are also happy for orders to be collected without the need for any staff contact. This applies to kayaks and parts and accessories.
  • We will make use of technology like video chats etc to enable customers to purchase items they wish to see – without needing to come into the store.
  • The Shop Store will be open on a Monday and Friday to facilitate the above. Online Trading continues as per normal.
  • We will continue to trade online, as we have done for years. Our Ability to Deliver Kayaks and all other parts and accessories continues. We are still able to freight goods around Australia as per normal.
  • We have diverted our phone lines to a mobile so we can tend to calls best when we are not in the shop.

I once again encourage you to keep shopping – getting on the water these days is a good way to keep yourself from crowds, it is a good way to keep fit and healthy, and it is a good way to keep fish in the fridges and freezers. Please do so safely, keep your distance and limit your contact. Where possible keep only what you need.

I trust the above to be in order but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kind Regards

Dennis Tocknell

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