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Tribe Comp Trip Report Submission Brad White

Tribe Comp Trip Report Submission Brad White

Fish report below – 26/2/2020

Popped down to 7th Ave to check out the conditions at about 5.15am, very solid sets coming through with a kayak busting shorey for my troubles.  As I arrived I got to see Olly making it safely through the back of the sets looking like a pro – righto I’m up for this.

Shot home, grabbed the kayak, hooked it up to the trusty pushy and road down to 7th.  Had spoken to Al Agyik the night before who was keen, he was launching from 25th (much bigger surf don’t know how he does it).

Picked the set perfectly, gave it everything and managed to get through clean – now just needed 5 minutes to catch my breath and stop seeing stars!!! 

Water was very dirty, 3-4 boats on Palm Beach reef and then there was Olly, Al and I.

Loaded up the rods, Pillie one side, Slimey the other – both with pink pulsators.

Started with a leisurely paddle out to the wave bouy, round I went and then about 60 seconds later Slimey hit – shaboom….Spotty on, very lazy, at one stage I felt like I had a rock cod, no real runs which was lucky because I had it wrapped around the braid on my other rod.  Clean gaff and in the hatch.

Not long after, Al over the radio – “Spotty in the hatch”.  Both caught North East of wave bouy.

Start another paddle, not long after Al has to head in early for work, few minutes later Al calls over the radio – “Second Spotty in the hatch”.

I start a paddle towards him and then at about mid reef – shaboom, second spotty on this time pillie, much more lively, a few good runs, about 4 pathetic attempts at gaffing and then second spotty is secure in the hatch.

Reset and get ready again, quick chat over the radio with Olly, hes not having any luck on the livies he grabbed earlier – I offer my last pillie as I intend to head in – pillie delivered successfully and off we go.

Drop the baits and I start the paddle 5 paddles in………..shaboom, we have a cobia on, not the biggest but he’s playing hard – I win, he’s in the hatch.  At this stage I imagine Mr Alpha November Tango shaking his head in disappointment.

Alright, a token re-rig and head off for the real paddle home.  Two thirds of the way there the mind starts to drift to how on earth am I going to get back in – I’m notoriously bad at the re-entry.  SHABOOM – reel starts screaming………..surely that’s the run of a Spanish, good fight, longest one of the day, I see colour and there are those beautiful silver stripes.  Clean Gaff and in the Hatch!!!!  I am really done this time, rods packed in, everything stowed away and off I go.

Good news over the radio from Olly – he managed to convert Pillie to a spotty – good on you Olly!

Big sets, felt like 100 surfers, toes crossed, paddle, paddle, paddle – unbelievable I get through clean………I am the man!!!!  D’oh…..get rolled in 1 foot of water by whitewash in front of surf life savers ……. Heads shake in disappointment.  But I’m safe.

Order coffee, go to unlike bike cable……snap, key is snapped off inside lock……….Fark!!!

10 mins of working pliers, managed to finally get through cable…..I mount up and ride home.

Spanish – 1060mm

Spot 1 – 800mm

Spot 2 – 850mm

Cobia – 900mm


Brad White

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